
x11vnc は、apt-get でインストールできます。
$ sudo apt-get install x11vnc
次に x11vnc に -storepasswd を指定して起動し、そのユーザのパスワードを設定して VNC サーバのパスワードを保存します。
$ x11vnc -storepasswd
startx 実行時 (X サーバ起動時) に自動的に x11vnc を起動するには、以下の内容で ~/.config/autostart/x11vnc.desktop ファイルを作成する必要があります。(Raspbian 起動時に X サーバが自動起動するようになっている場合は、更に VNC サーバも自動起動します。)
[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Type=Application Name=X11VNC Comment=X11VNC Exec=x11vnc -usepw -forever StartupNortify=false Terminal=false Hidden=false
VNC サーバのパスワードと x11vnc.desktop ファイルは、X サーバを起動するユーザに対して設定する必要があります。
自動起動の設定を行っている場合は、デフォルトの X サーバ(通常、ディスプレイ番号0番)が起動している状態で、ポート 5900 に VNC クライアントで接続します。
クライアント側には、Raspberry Pi 本体のデスクトップが表示されます。(デスクトップのサイズはもちろん本体のデスクトップのサイズとなります。)
なお、x11vnc のデスクトップのサイズを変更するには、本体のデスクトップのサイズごと変更する必要があります。(/boot/config.txt の framebuffer_width, framebuffer_height で指定することが可能です。)
デフォルトのXサーバは GLX 対応(ただしソフトウェアレンダラ)なので、別マシンの OpenGL アプリケーションをリモート表示することも可能です。
x11vnc の X サーバ(デフォルトの X サーバ)の xdpyinfo 出力結果です。(この例では、1280×800 サイズ)
$ xdpyinfo name of display: :0.0 version number: 11.0 vendor string: The X.Org Foundation vendor release number: 11204000 X.Org version: 1.12.4 maximum request size: 16777212 bytes motion buffer size: 256 bitmap unit, bit order, padding: 32, LSBFirst, 32 image byte order: LSBFirst number of supported pixmap formats: 7 supported pixmap formats: depth 1, bits_per_pixel 1, scanline_pad 32 depth 4, bits_per_pixel 8, scanline_pad 32 depth 8, bits_per_pixel 8, scanline_pad 32 depth 15, bits_per_pixel 16, scanline_pad 32 depth 16, bits_per_pixel 16, scanline_pad 32 depth 24, bits_per_pixel 32, scanline_pad 32 depth 32, bits_per_pixel 32, scanline_pad 32 keycode range: minimum 8, maximum 255 focus: window 0x2200005, revert to Parent number of extensions: 27 BIG-REQUESTS Composite DAMAGE DOUBLE-BUFFER DPMS DRI2 GLX Generic Event Extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER MIT-SHM RANDR RECORD RENDER SECURITY SGI-GLX SHAPE SYNC X-Resource XC-MISC XFIXES XFree86-DGA XFree86-VidModeExtension XINERAMA XInputExtension XKEYBOARD XTEST XVideo default screen number: 0 number of screens: 1 screen #0: dimensions: 1280x800 pixels (339x212 millimeters) resolution: 96x96 dots per inch depths (7): 16, 1, 4, 8, 15, 24, 32 root window id: 0xe2 depth of root window: 16 planes number of colormaps: minimum 1, maximum 1 default colormap: 0x20 default number of colormap cells: 64 preallocated pixels: black 0, white 65535 options: backing-store NO, save-unders NO largest cursor: 1280x800 current input event mask: 0x7a003c ButtonPressMask ButtonReleaseMask EnterWindowMask LeaveWindowMask StructureNotifyMask SubstructureNotifyMask SubstructureRedirectMask FocusChangeMask PropertyChangeMask number of visuals: 33 default visual id: 0x21 visual: visual id: 0x21 class: TrueColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 8 bits visual: visual id: 0xc2 class: TrueColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xc3 class: TrueColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xc4 class: TrueColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xc5 class: TrueColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xc6 class: TrueColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xc7 class: TrueColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xc8 class: TrueColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xc9 class: TrueColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xca class: TrueColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xcb class: TrueColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xcc class: TrueColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xcd class: TrueColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xce class: TrueColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xcf class: TrueColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xd0 class: TrueColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xd1 class: DirectColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xd2 class: DirectColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xd3 class: DirectColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xd4 class: DirectColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xd5 class: DirectColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xd6 class: DirectColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xd7 class: DirectColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xd8 class: DirectColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xd9 class: DirectColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xda class: DirectColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xdb class: DirectColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xdc class: DirectColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xdd class: DirectColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xde class: DirectColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xdf class: DirectColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0xe0 class: DirectColor depth: 16 planes available colormap entries: 64 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f significant bits in color specification: 6 bits visual: visual id: 0x41 class: TrueColor depth: 32 planes available colormap entries: 256 per subfield red, green, blue masks: 0xff0000, 0xff00, 0xff significant bits in color specification: 8 bits